Personal Trainer in New Orleans | Flexibility Training

One of the most important facets of developing a strong and healthy physique is flexibility. Anyone can develop an inflexible body for a number of reasons. Living a sedentary life is one. Over-training is another. It is easy to neglect exercises that establish and increase body flexibility. They can seem to be less “engaging” than the high energy exercises that take up the bulk of workout sessions, but they are very good to practice.

Flexibility assists any other exercise that you perform. It helps you to have good range of motion through most activities. It strengthens tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. It will positively affect your breathing, posture, sleep patterns, and muscle integrity. Stretches that are performed before, during, and after a workout will enhance everything else you do. Best of all, they prime your body to receive the maximum benefits from strength and endurance training.

A trainer who understands how the muscles and joints in the body function can show you nearly limitless ways to stay flexible. These techniques help with issues like,

* Preventing injuries and conditioning the body after an injury.

* Preparing the body for its first rigorous exercise regimen.

* Relieving nerve pain so more intense exercise can be enjoyed.

* Chronic soreness that keeps people from exploring more intense types of exercise.

If you work with a trainer like Adam Campbell Jr., you will learn how to properly stretch and condition your body for the exercises that will help you stay fit. You will also learn how to teach your body to heal once it has been thoroughly exhausted.

Do you remember physical education classes in high school? The instructor probably had you go through a “warm up” routine that seemed pointless and boring. The reason they seemed that way was because the instructor never informed you about how they impact exercise. You learned to bend and stretch in those classes, but they were probably never performed the right way.

Learning to be flexible allows you to become intimately aware of how your body works. It informs you about your capabilities and your limits. Increasing your flexibility has the power to increase your limits. It also empowers your workouts. With the sense of athletic freedom that flexibility gives, you will quickly gain a greater desire to break through exercise barriers.

Many people are hesitant to start a workout program because they sense that their bodies have “seized up.” This is very common for older individuals. It is also common for people who live sedentary lifestyles. The good news is that inflexibility is completely reversible with the right flexibility program designed by an expert trainer.

The wonderful thing about learning to be more physically flexible is that it can be practiced in many exercise environments. You can learn dynamic stretching and exercise recovery techniques in one to one and class personal trainer New Orleans situations. Once you experience the benefits of having a more flexible body, you will understand that your body was designed to move. Flexibility training is the icing on the fitness “cake,” and working with a trainer is the way to be your best.