Personal Trainers in New Orleans | High Intensity Interval Training
When a person wants to transform their physique, they are really expressing the need for someone to help them change their lifestyle. For many people who feel that the fitness level is not up to par, a sedentary existence is usually the problem. Being inactive teaches the body to operate at base levels, and it promotes fat gain.
High intensity interval training (HIIT), is one of the most effective personal training New Orleans workout styles that trainers like Adam Campbell Jr. rely upon. If you are looking for classes like HourBlast, Breakthru Fitness can provide them. Hour Blast New Orleans sessions can be located with a ClassPass New Orleans subscription, and Breakthru Fitness will be at the top of the list.
Hour Blast, and other HIIT courses, are based on a unique theory. If the body can be trained to reach constantly higher levels of metabolic activity, it will adapt to conditioning quicker. With adaptation, it will become more efficient at growing muscle, shedding fat, and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular state.
Most people are used to two types of conditioning. Ballistic resistance training is where heavy loads are moved by select muscle groups for short periods of time. This only promotes lean tissue growth. The other type involves long periods of aerobic activity. This is activity that uses a great deal of oxygen to burn fat. The heart rate is elevated, but there is very little stimulus for muscles.
Interval training combines the benefits of both workout styles. It involves periods of resistance training followed by periods of aerobic activity. Each cycle is capped with a short period of rest. The result is the body being coaxed into oxidizing fat, building lean muscle, and conditioning the cardiovascular system simultaneously. Interval training exponentially increases the rate at which the body primes itself.
A typical HIIT workout cycle looks like this.
* 3 minutes of moderate jogging
* 30 push-ups
* 3 minutes of moderate jogging
* 25 body weight walking lunges
* 30 seconds of sprinting
* 1 minute of rest
* Repeat 4 times
This cycle will elevate the heart rate into the range where it causes the body to burn fat, but it will also stimulate the muscles. Innovative classes like Hour Blast New Orleans feature various cycles that last for an intense one hour of work. It’s easy to see how Hour Blast has become so popular. It creates maximum results in minimal time.
Working with a personal trainer like Adam Campbell Jr. helps a person understand how HIIT can speed their individual progress. They can also learn to create their own variations of HourBlast that can be done at home, or in another location when they have a busy travel schedule. Another option is to join a group fitness class that makes HIIT like Hour Blast New Orleans styles the center of its plan. Personal training doesn’t just provide excellent one to one sessions, it provides knowledge for a fit lifestyle.